Covid Safety
Updated November 20, 2020
The policy of Mountain Spirit Resort is to ensure that our employees are protected for occupational
exposure to COVID-19 in a manner that complies with the B.C. Workers Compensation Act and
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Our work procedures will protect not only our workers, but
also other workers who enter our facilities. All employees must follow the procedures outlined in this plan to prevent or reduce exposure to COVID-19.
Assessing the Risk
• We have involved the front desk workers, Supervisor and housekeepers
• We have identified areas where people may gather in the common areas such as lobby and fireplace area
• We have identified job tasks and processes where workers could be close to one another or guests of the hotel
• We have identified the tools and equipment that workers may share while working, such as housekeeping carts, luggage carts, vacuums, etc
• We have identified surfaces that people touch often such as door handles, elevator buttons, light switches, lobby furniture, etc
Protocols to Reduce The Risks
• We have reviewed information on worksafebc.com and the BC Centre for Disease Control specifically for the hotel industry
• We have followed orders issued by the provincial health officer
Reducing the Risk of Person-to-person Transmission
• We have implemented protocols to protect against our identified risks
• We have incorporated controls from various levels to address the risk at our workplace
First Level of Protection (elimination)
• Limit the number of workers at the workplace to ensure physical distancing
• Reducing the hours of work for the front desk personnel with only one worker at a time and approximately 5 hours for housekeeping due to the extra sanitizing of common areas and high touch areas of the resort
• Limiting the number of guests based on essential travel only and renting suites for 30 days or longer
• We have established a work from home arrangement where possible for Management
• We have established virtual management meetings
• We have changed how tasks will be done (see attached guidelines for front desk workers and housekeepers)
Second Level of Protection (engineering)
• We have installed plexiglass barriers at the front desk counter to protect workers when interacting with guests and other workers
• We have included barrier cleaning in our cleaning protocols
• We have installed the barriers so they don’t introduce other risks to workers
Third Level of Protection (administrative)
• We have identified rules and guidelines for how workers should conduct themselves (see attached guidelines)
• We have clearly communicated these rules and guidelines to workers
Fourth Level of Protection (PPE)
• We have reviewed the information on selecting and using masks and gloves
• Masks are mandatory in all indoor and public spaces
• We have trained workers on the proper use of masks
• Housekeepers must wear masks in common areas and masks and gloves when 2 housekeepers are working in a suite together or interacting with guests
• Front desk workers are required to wear masks when they have to interact with guests or workers from outside the plexiglass barrier at the front desk
Reducing the Risk of Surface Transmission
• We are reducing the risk of surface transmission through effective cleaning and hygiene practices through the use of hospital grade cleaning products
• We have handwashing facilities on site for all workers and locations are visible and easily accessed
• We have hand sanitizing available in the washrooms, at the entrance to the hotel and for front desk and housekeeping workers at their work stations
• We have policies when workers must wash their hands and we have communicated good hygiene practices to workers. Handwashing and cover cough and sneezes posters are posted in washrooms and common areas
• We have implemented cleaning protocols for all common areas and surfaces, e.g. common areas, equipment, door handles, light switches and frequency
• Workers who are cleaning have adequate training and materials
• We have removed the coffee bar in the lobby and all magazines
• Key cards are disinfected after each use
• Equipment such as housekeeping carts, luggage carts, vacuums and equipment are sanitized after each use
• The pool and hot tub are open from 10 am to 8 pm and restricted to 10 people at a time on a first come first serviced basis. Guests must sign in and sign out.
Develop Policies
• We have developed policies to manage our workplace, including policies around who can be at the workplace and how to address illness that arises at the workplace
• Our workplace policies ensure that workers and others showing symptoms of COVID-19 are prohibited from the workplace as follows:
o Anyone who has had symptoms in the last 10 days including fever, chills, fatigue, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, loss of appetite, conjunctivitis and new muscle aches or headache. We are advising anyone with these symptoms to contact their physician for an assessment to see if they should be tested
o Anyone directed by Public Health to self-isolate
o Anyone who has arrived from outside of Canada or has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case must self-isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms
• We have developed policies to ensure workers have the training and strategies required to address the risk of violence or confrontation that my arise as guests and members of the public adapt to restrictions or modifications to the workplace
• Our policy addresses workers who may start to feel ill at work as follows:
o Report to front desk
o Workers should be asked to wash or sanitize hands, provided with a mask and isolated
o Workers should go straight home
o If the worker is severely ill we would call 911, e.g. difficulty breathing, chest pain
o Any areas or surfaces that the ill worker has come into contact with would be cleaned and sanitized
Communication Plans and Training
• We have a training plan to ensure everyone is trained in workplace policies and procedures
• All workers have received the policies for staying home when sick and must be tested before returning to work
• Any worker that calls in sick must be tested before they can return to the workplace
• We have posted signage including effective hygiene practices and physical distancing
• We have posted signage at the main entrance indicating workers and visitors with symptoms are restricted from entering the premises
• Supervisors have been trained on monitoring workers and the workplace to ensure policies and procedures are being followed
Monitoring the Workplace
• We have a plan in place to monitor risks
• We will make changes to our policies and procedures as necessary
• Workers know who to go to with health and safety concerns
• When resolving safety issues we will involve management and the health and safety representative
Assessing and Addressing Risks
• We have a plan in place to assess and address risks as we start to slowly reopen
• We have a Kimberley Code of Conduct to send out to all future reservations (copy attached)
• We have a training plan for returning staff and new staff
• We have a plan for staff taking on new roles or responsibilities
• We have a training plan around changes to our business such as equipment, processes, procedures or products
Keep Calm! Be Kind! Stay Safe!
1. Sanitize hands.
2. Wear a mask when outside the plexi-glass barrier and practice social distancing
3. Greet guests warmly.
4. Request ID and verify credit card without handling cards.
5. No signature required on registration card.
6. Write the guests vehicle information on the reg card.
7. Hand the guest their keys & welcome letter.
8. Suggest the guest review the letter and we will be happy to answer any questions.
9. Mention the Front Desk hours: 9 am to 8 pm and that between 8 pm and 9 pm there will be a phone number available on a sign at front desk. Point out that after 9 pm there is a security company on call and their number is at the top of their welcome letter.
10. Wish the guest a good stay.
11. Wash/sanitize your hands and spray front desk mat with EP50.
12. If guests are checking in after hours put keys in the lock box and hotel information and Kimberley Code of Conduct in the suite. Gloves are required to perform this task and masks.
13. If you have to step out from behind the plexi-glass to assist a guest or worker make sure you wear a mask and gloves
14. Coffee bar is closed indefinitely.
15. Pool and hot tub are open 10 am to 8 pm. Guests must sign in and out and only 10 people allowed on the pool deck at one time.
Excerpt from BC Centre for Disease Control
BC Ministry of Health
Housekeeping Guidelines for Hotels
Housekeeping During a Guest’s Stay
• Housekeeping staff must practice diligent hand hygiene at all times during their shift.
• Do NOT provide housekeeping service in guest rooms during their stay.
• Ensure that an adequate supply of clean towels, toilet paper, plain hand soap and shampoo is available prior to guests entering their room.
• Leave fresh linens, toiletries and cleaning supplies outside the door of guest rooms. Provide these items at a frequency that maintains good hygiene.
• Provide a linen or plastic bag for the guest to place their dirty linens in, and a plastic bag for their other waste.
o Advise guests to tie laundry and waste bags shut and leave them outside their door for collection.
• To minimize the amount of time dirty linen and waste is sitting in hallways, advise guests on a time at which items should be put out for collection.
Housekeeping After a Guest’s Stay
• All guest rooms must be fully cleaned and disinfected after every use.
• Ensure staff do NOT enter guest rooms until authorized.
• To allow for adequate air exchange within rooms, staff should wait three (3) hours after a guest has left the room before entering for housekeeping
• Cleaners must practice diligent hand hygiene before entering and after leaving each guest room.
o If gloves are used, ensure a new pair is used for each guest room.
o Proper hand hygiene must be performed after removing gloves.
• Staff should use the standard Personal Protective Equipment (e.g., eye protection, mask) required for the regular hazards encountered through their normal course of work (e.g., handling chemicals).
• Review all work procedures to minimize all opportunities for staff contact with splashes and spraying.
• Use clean cloths, paper towels or wipes to clean and disinfect surfaces.
o Put cleaning and disinfectant solutions into clean buckets for use.
o To avoid contaminating your cleaning solution, do NOT re-dip dirty cloths back into the cleaning solution. Use clean cloths each time. This may require using a larger number of cloths than normal.
o Immediately discard paper towels and disposable wipes after use.
• Avoid the use of spray bottles or pressurized sprayers that might aerosolize contaminants.
• Use a disinfectant that has a Drug Identification Number (DIN). Follow the instructions on the product label for dilution, contact time and safe use.
• If commercial or household cleaning products are not readily available, you can prepare a bleach and water solution with 20 ml of unscented household bleach per 980 ml of water. When using the
• bleach and water solution, allow surface to air dry naturally. Make a fresh bleach solution each day. For more information, please see: http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-InfoSite/Documents/CleaningDisinfecting_Publi...
• Complete a thorough cleaning and disinfection of all hard surfaces. Special attention should be given to frequently touched items such as toilets, sinks, faucets, doorknobs, light switches, telephones, remote controls, bar fridges and garbage cans.
• Remove all cloth items (e.g., sheets and towels). Take all dirty linens and towels directly to the laundry. • Steam clean fabric items that cannot be laundered (e.g., plush chairs and drapes).
• Empty all garbage containers.
• Discard all items left in the room by guests.
• Discard all single-use items and remnants, even if they seem unused or untouched. This includes, but is not limited to, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and sugar packets.
• Remove ALL reusable glassware and dishes from the room, including all dishes that appear untouched or unused. Take all items directly to the kitchen area for dishwashing.
• For carpets:
o Vacuums: Only use vacuum cleaners equipped with exhaust filters, preferably HEPA filters, for carpeted areas. Built-in vacuums are ideal. If your vacuum does not have an exhaust filter, do NOT vacuum the room .
o Steam Cleaners: Carpets can be cleaned using a steam cleaner which reaches a minimum temperature of 71°C, unless the floor coverings are not heat tolerant.
Waste Management
• Wherever possible, waste should be handled by a designated person or small, designated team.
• Staff should wear disposable gloves to remove waste from guest rooms and common areas.
• Ensure staff remove gloves and perform hand hygiene immediately after handling and disposing of waste.
• A single, sturdy, leak-resistant garbage bag is sufficient for containing waste.
• If a garbage bag is punctured or contaminated, it should be placed into a second bag.
• All bags should be securely closed and immediately placed in the main disposal bin for the facility.
• Wear masks and disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry and discard after each use. Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed.
• If reusable gloves are worn, gloves should be dedicated for handling dirty laundry and should not be used for other purposes. Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed.
• Do NOT shake dirty laundry. This minimizes the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air1 .
• Place dirty laundry directly into a linen bag without sorting. Do not overfill bags.
• Clearly mark laundry bins as 'clean' or 'dirty'. Ensure dirty laundry only contacts dirty laundry bins, and clean laundry only contacts clean laundry bins.
• Clean and disinfect clothes hampers according to manufacturer's guidance. Consider using a liner that can be laundered.
• Clean and sanitize the front-loading area of washing machines frequently.
• Wash and dry items in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest possible water settings. Dry all items thoroughly.